🎄 GitHub Actions Advent Calendar

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Day 5: Take Screenshots with Puppeteer

December 05, 2019

Today I wanted to show off one of my own personal Actions I wrote. puppeteer-screenshot-action provides a way to generate screenshots of sites using Puppeteer.

Example Usage

All that is needed to send a message is some credentials from Twilio that are passed in as environment variables and then you can generate a message using a twilio phone number, the number you want to send to, and the message itself.

The most minimal example is taking a snapshot of a page. you pass in a URL as a parameter and it will generate a file at $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/screenshots/screenshot-${timestamp}.png where the timestamp is the unix timestamp of when the image was taken.

- name: Take photo of github.com
uses: "lannonbr/puppeteer-screenshot-action@1.1.0"
url: https://github.com

By default it is a 1920x1080 capture, but you can modify the viewport using optional width and height parameters. As well, if you want to take a screenshot of the entire page, setting fullPage to true will do such.

You could use this Action in plenty of ways, but one way I am using it right now is taking a screenshot of one of my sites, gatsby-github-stats after I update it every hour and pass the image up to AWS S3. Here’s the workflow if you are curious. Then I can later grab all of the images and stitch them together into a timelapse.

As well, you could also remix and extend this action to do more things with Puppeteer. Given it is a public and Open Source action, it is fully acceptable to take my action as starting template if you wish to go further.